
Tuskeegee WWTP and Sanitary Sewerage Improvements

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Tuskegee’s South Basin Wastewater Transfer project included consolidating wastewater treatment facilities to eliminate discharge permit violations and to meet consent order requirements imposed by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). This was achieved by expanding the North WWTP, constructing ten miles of new 12-inch diameter force main, constructing two new intermediate lift stations, installing new pumps and controls at a lift station, converting the existing South WWTP finishing pond to a wet weather storage facility, converting the South WWP influent pumping station to a transfer pumping station, and abandoning treatment facilities at the South WWTP. Tuskeegee and Krebs managed three separate construction projects simultaneously to complete the work on schedule and within the budget.

Project Location

Tuskegee, Alabama

Project Owner

The Utilities Board of the City of Tuskegee

Project Size


Project Stage
