Asset Management, Modeling & Mapping

Jefferson County Vertical Asset Management Program

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Jefferson County Environmental Services has contracted with Krebs Engineering to initiate their vertical asset management program. Krebs is part of the design team, which includes Power Engineers and Applied Engineering & Science. Krebs is responsible for the inventory of equipment at nine wastewater treatment plants and over 150 lift stations. Each piece of equipment will be identified by a unique inventory number and uploaded into the Citech SCADA system and the asset management program within Cityworks. Included in the inventory is a condition assessment, risk scoring, and gap analysis. This will be the basis of the managed maintenance system for all equipment assets. The risk scoring system identifies the probability of failure, consequence of failure, asset remaining life, failure history, and asset co-dependence. The gap analysis compares current maintenance practices versus best maintenance practices. The gap analysis takes into account current staffing levels and the ability to coordinate with third parties to aid in the completion of tasks. The evaluation is performed in coordination with operational personnel for team input into the ultimate scoring of each system.

Project Location

Jefferson County, Alabama

Project Owner

Jefferson County Environmental Services

Project Size


Project Stage
